Event Description

We like to close our Chicago concert seasons with a bang: hiring a dance instructor to teach everyone The Hustle at the end of a movement-based show, for example, or filling the hall with Spektral Quartet-branded beach balls at the conclusion of a yacht-rock themed evening…you get the idea.

We talk a lot about the wide variety of skills and sheer talents amongst you in our audience, and this year we’d like to showcase YOU! It’s our first-ever talent show. Come to think of it, this has to be the first talent show thrown by a string quartet, EVER. We’ll be putting out a call for pitches soon, so keep an eye out for the announcement and get thinking about what special ability with which you’ll be entrancing the crowd. It does not need to be music. Magic? Sure. Drag? Of course. Spoken word? Def. Gator wrestling? If you say so. Amateur meteorology? Um…

Just to keep things on the level, one of our two slots will feature Spektral playing instruments on which they have received no formal training. It’s going to be bananas.

1354 West Wabansia Avenue
Chicago, IL 60642
United States
(773) 227-4433